
Friday, June 25, 2010

Garlic and Onions are in

I am sure that this is the time to plant Garlic.  In NZ they always say to plant garlic on the shortest day of the year.  It's pretty cold now, but garlic needs some cold weather to germinate.

I am not sure about the Onions tho'.  Mark found onion seedlings in the garden centre,and optimistically brought them home. I have duly planted some of them, and so far they are not dead.  That's got to be a good thing.

It's a waiting game now, I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The first snow morning...

Teenagers and friends playing in the snow on the first snow morning.  Montana-Rose even made a "snow angel", awww

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A visit to Franz Joseph

Gee, I look so happy here LOL...(bad camera angles).  Anyway, behind us is the marvelous Franz Joseph Glacier.  An hours walk from the carpark, with 2 little kids, and 3 teenagers (who climbed rocks and ran about all over the place).   Then the hours walk back again, dragging both sets of children LOL!  The weather was sunny, fresh and just right for walking.  A very nice man at the start took a picture of all of us, here we are...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lindis Pass is closed

You can see why

Teaching Luan to cook

Luan is our student from Brazil.  He has been learning the secret ways of Edmonds cookbook cooking....herewith Chocolate Pudding!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Big and the Little

A big day cooking today.  When it's raining the Victorian hoarder in me comes out to play.  Both tomato pasta sauce and green tomato chutney.  Basically the tomatoes left from about 6 weeks ago have ripened as much as they are ever going to on the window sill, so the red ones became pasta sauce and the green ones chutney.  In fact they looked so beautiful on the stove....looky here...

A teeny, tiny egg today in the nests....

In among rain showers, torrental rain and a steady rainfall, I went out and dug up two shores of Red Rascal.  Beauties aren't they!