
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Still some Harvesting

Harvested from our garden and taken in our camper to Lynne and Simons:

3kg or so of beautiful purple potatoes
Some big sticks of celery
Rainbow silverbeet
A lettuce

These are really the last of the edibles before the big cold comes!

Campervan fun

Another nasty weather weekend, drizzle, rain and cold.  After spending the day cleaning out our chooks and putting clean straw in their nests, and giving them dry clean sawdust etc, I packed the campervan.  Off to Ashburton in our 6 wheeled wonder.  After stopping for dinner, the kids were tired, so we put them in their sleeping bags at the back of the camper where we could keep an eye on them, and did the second leg with them fast asleep!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ranunculus from my Mother

When I was a little girl I was given a small piece of garden, it was sunny, but against a hedge and overshadowed by boundary trees.  I only ever grew two things, voilets and ranunculus.   The voilets were given to me as a cutting, by someone, I think my Nana- but I am not sure.  They flowered and flourished and filled up the whole garden bed and I loved the smell of them.  I used to pick bunches and put them in a glass in my room.

The ranunculus are so blousey, and overthetop, and out there, and they came up and flowered with abandon once a year.

My Mother recently gave me some while we were in Cromwell and I planted them but nothing came up, whether the chooks scratched them up, or it was too cold, I don't know.

Well, she gave me another lot, and by golly, I have them coming up!  I counted 7.  But....shouldn't they come up in Spring not Winter?

I hope to have a lovely display of them in the spring and can't wait to see what colours I have got.